Key School Information

Meet the leadership team
To view further information about our schools governance and related policies, please follow the link below.
School Policies
For further information and to view all our schools policies, please follow the link below.
To view the schools latest OFSTED report, please follow the link below.
To view DFE information about Mayfield school, please follow the link below.

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed, these can be arranged by contacting the school office on 01803 328375.

However, the school is unable to make a decision as to whether a child can be admitted or not.  This decision is made by the Local Authority Special Needs Team.  They can be contacted on 01803 208274 or email

For information on Torbay’s Local Offer for Children with Special Education Needs or Disabilities

If you require a physical copy of any of our school prospectus’ please contact us via the form at the bottom of the page.

Digital copies of our current prospectus’ are available below. 

Mayfield School

Click on logo to download most recent prospectus.

Mayfield Chestnut

Click on logo to download most recent prospectus.

Mayfield College

Click on logo to download most recent prospectus.

Pupil Premium
For further information regarding our schools pupil premium offering, please follow the link below.
Sport Premium
For further information regarding our schools sport premium offering, please follow the link below.
Covid-19, Yr 7 Literacy and numeracy catch up
For more information regarding the Governments Covid-19 catch up, please follow the link below.

please feel free to get in touch…
Say Hello!

Please submit your message using the form below and a member of the Mayfield team will be in touch shortly.