Our governors

Mayfield is a School with a very special ethos that children not only enjoy being a part of, but one that has a dedicated Community of workers who go far beyond the normal expectations in providing a very high standard of education, Support and Care and in doing so are able to let each pupil develop to their best potential and quality of life.

The Governors are a wide selection of individuals who have many varied skills and who are dedicated to the development of not only the children, but all the staff.  They meet as a full body two times a term with a specific focus each meeting. Selected members also operate a Business and Operations Committee.

Maintained school:  School governing body

The governors are the school’s legally accountable body and must operate in the best interests of the school. The task of the governing body is to lead the school
strategically, focusing on the three core functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.
2. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.

The GB may delegate functions to individual governors, the Headteacher (in certain circumstances) and committees, but it remains accountable and is responsible for all decisions made. It is responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the school with headteachers operating within the autonomy, powers and functions delegated to them by the GB. The GB must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school and should avoid conflicts of interest.

The GB should make sure it does not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school (operational), which is the responsibility of the Headteacher. It must operate and make decisions in the best interests of the school and in line with its strategic priorities, including in relation to school finances. As the strategic lead for the school, it is vital that the GB understands, and engages with the communities it serves.

The GB, with advice from its Clerk, is also responsible for ensuring legal andregulatory compliance across a range of areas, including:

1. education and equalities laws
2. safeguarding
3. responsibilities as operators of an educational institution, such as health and safety, information management and employment law;
4. conditions and obligations imposed by funding or regulatory bodies

Governing body should also have regard to the need for the Headteacher and teachers in their school to be able to achieve a satisfactory work life balance, and, through their strategic role, should provide support and challenge to help reduce unnecessary burdens, for example, in relation to the number of data requests that are made.

Stuart Heron

Stuart Heron

Head Teacher

Governor Profile
I qualified in 1996 with a BEd (Hons) degree in Science and Outdoor Education and have worked throughout the UK teaching Science, Sport, Citizenship and SEND in a number of different educational settings.
I have worked as a senior leader since 2013 in schools in Devon and Torbay and am immensely proud to be the Headteacher of Mayfield School.
Our mission at Mayfield, demonstrated by our remarkable pupils and amazing staff, is Learning together to be the best that we can be.
Matt Burrell

Matt Burrell

Chair (Safeguarding)

Governor Profile
My name is Matt Burrell and I am really proud to be leading the work of the Governing Body at Mayfield as Chair.
I have been involved with Mayfield for the past 9 years and I am totally committed to ensuring Mayfield is the very best that it can be.  I joined the school in 2011 as the School Business Manager and after much consideration left in 2015 to take up a similar position in a local secondary school.  I was hugely honoured to return in 2017 as a Governor and then subsequently elected as Chair.
I am passionate about education and have spent over 25 years of my life working in schools in various different roles.  I believe every child has a right to achieve their very best in a happy, safe and supportive environment.
Carol Lawson

Carol Lawson


Governor Profile
Hi! My name is Carol Lawson and I am a co-opted governor at Mayfield School. Before moving to Torquay in 2018, I worked as a teacher for 37 years, of which the last 17 were in an outstandingspecial school in Nottingham.
It is this experience, especially in Healthy Schools, PE, Expressive Artsand Off-Site Visits, that should help me in my role as governor.
I love living in Torquay and enjoy tennis, sailing, pilates, yoga, gardening and walking with theoccasional dip in the sea (when I fall off my SUP!).
Simon Gardiner

Simon Gardiner


Governor Profile
Hi, my name is Simon and I’ve worked with young people and families for over thirty years now, and at present work in Torbay Children’s services.
My interest as a Mayfield Governor, is for me around the emotional well being of young people and their safety. And that Mayfield remains aspirational for young people empowering them to be the best they can be, and supporting new experiences and the pushing of boundaries along the way to adulthood and beyond.
Hugh Malyon

Hugh Malyon


Governor Profile
Hello, I am Hugh Malyon a disabled artist based in Torbay.
I went to school at Mayfield’s neighbour Combe Pafford and remember fondly all the colourful, creative and fun activities our schools shared. As a person with impairments, I experience all the highs and lows of being a disabled individual in our local community. I have an inherent understanding of the barriers disabled people, of all ages, face and of some of the ways these barriers can be broken down. Through my creative practice I promote the power of diversity and use The Arts (live/digital and visual) to engage dialogue to educate and support diversity in Torbay and beyond.
I believe everyone is an artist, and all children and young people should have access to creative opportunities and the best education possible.
Terry Jackson

Terry Jackson

Vice Chair (Careers)

Governor Profile
My name is Terry Jackson and I am a co-opted governor. I am from London and previously lived London and Surrey. For most of my career I worked as a virologist but I am now retired and live in Brixham.
I strongly believe that every child should experience the best education possible, to give the best start in life. 
I am committed to supporting the school and staff to achieve the best learning experiences possible.
Nicky Timmins

Nicky Timmins

Staff Governor

Governor Profile

My name is Nicky Timmins and am the Staff Governor, Associate Assistant Head and Maths lead at the Chestnut site. I began teaching late in life qualifying as a mature student in the Midlands and moved to Torbay with my husband in 2017 as it was our dream to live by the sea. Whilst in the Midlands I taught in a school for children with additional needs ranging from PMD to MLD, including children with Autism and ADHD. My Mayfield journey began as a class teacher in KS1 moving to KS2 adding the role of Maths lead and Associate Assistant Head.

I enjoy reading, crafting and walking. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats which keep me very busy.

Heidi Baker

Heidi Baker


Governor Profile
My name is Heidi Baker and I am a co-opted governor. I work in Children’s Services at Torbay Council. I am the Direct Payment Officer working closely with my colleagues within the Children with Disabilities team. I also assist in facilitating Family Time for children who are under the care of the local authority, trying to make the time spent with their parents as positive as it can it be.
I also work at the Torbay Special Needs Saturday Club and I work with two young people with additional needs, on a one-to-one basis, as an enabler.
I worked at the Bank of England for 25 years in Banking Supervision. Following this I lived in Spain for 15 years. I worked for the local village school, helping non-spanish speaking children who were struggling with the Spanish curriculum. This is where I developed my love of education. I am passionate about helping children be the best that they can be.
I have three adult children who are making their way in the world and I am very proud of all of them.
Katie Cavanna

Katie Cavanna

Governor (Safeguarding)

Governor Profile
My name is Katie Cavanna and I am thrilled to be the LA Governor at Mayfield. I have worked in education, in a variety of roles, for the past twenty years and am fully committed to ensuring that all children and young people are given the opportunities to achieve their full potential.
My career so far has been as a teacher here and abroad, an advisory teacher for EAL and GRT, a safeguarding and pastoral lead for a Multi-Academy Trust plus managing a CIC in Torbay, supporting families during COVID.
I currently work for Torbay Children’s Services as an Advice and Guidance Officer for the Virtual School. Alongside this, I am one of the Directors of RE4orm CIC and a Trustee of the Stanley Beau Foundation.
I am honoured to be on the board of governors at Mayfield. I strongly believe that Mayfield shines as a beacon of hope for both its pupils and the wider community.

Claire Baker

Parent Governor

Governor Profile
Bob Julian

Bob Julian

Governor (Health & Safety)

Governor Profile
My name is Bob Julian and I am really proud to have been elected as a co-opted Governor to the Governing Body at Mayfield.
I have been involved with the school for the past 3 years as my Granddaughter has been attending Mayfield during this time.
During this time I have witnessed been amazed by the growth and development within my Granddaughter through her being at Mayfield.
During my working life I have been privileged to work as a Senior Manager and Board member in Industry working in Finance and Operation’s Management.
I believe everyone is unique, and all children and young people should have the right to achieve the best they can without barriers.
I am totally committed to ensuring that Mayfield maintains its reputation as being one of the best in its field and will do my utmost to ensure that its reputation and standards are maintained and improved on.
Tara Hawthorn

Tara Hawthorn


Governor Profile
Hi, my name is Tara Hawthorn and I am a co-opted governor.
I am originally from Birmingham but have lived in Paignton for the last 5 years. I am a qualified solicitor who has worked in both litigation and property.
My son attends Mayfield and has done for 3 years. I am amazed at the progress he has made at the school and at the time and effort each member of staff gives to each child. I am delighted to now be a part of the governing team and able to be even a small part of such an amazing community.
Nicola Murphy

Nicola Murphy

Parent Governor

Governor Profile
My name is Nicola I’m a single mum of two beautiful children who both have genetic conditions and completely different to each others, my daughter has a condition that she is still the only one in the world with and no name and affects her 7p chromosome and my son has a condition called Rubinstein-taybi syndrome and attends Mayfield school.
I have a background of Nursing from community nursing, emergency nursing and prison nursing but now I run my own wedding photography business which works much better around my children and their multiple appointments.
I am also part of my daughters school PSA group which I have been involved with for the past 5 years and have started a PSA group also at Mayfield which I am working on building up to help raise funds for the school where needed.
I have previously been a volunteer with the local Guiding, Scouts and Brownies associations and also with the Royal British legion as my family have all been in the Military.
I am very pleased to be apart of Mayfield Governors and hope to be able to help wherever possible I always feel its important for parents to be part of their children’s schools where possible to help their children and other families achieve the school goals to allow our children to enjoy and have fun in school and have the right equipment to help this be possible.
Stephen France

Stephen France


Governor Profile
I started my teaching career back in 1999 in a Dorset secondary school, but since 2007 when I moved to Torbay, I have worked for the Devon and Torbay Medical Tuition Services – teaching and supporting students unable to attend their mainstream school due to a medical need.
I have a passion for all things maths and have always taken huge satisfaction from watching how young people grow and achieve in this subject in a small, nurturing setting at whatever level is appropriate for them. For the last few years, I have also been part of the senior leadership team, developing curriculum timetable, data and reporting systems.
In addition to my classroom practice, for many years, I have been an examiner and team leader for GCSE maths. Outside teaching, a lot of family time is spent supporting my autistic son and my daughter with my wife, who is a local GP with a background in autism and learning disability, and walking a very energetic puppy.
I am looking forward to working with Stuart and the team at Mayfield and contributing to the Governing Body with my variety of professional and personal life experiences.

Governor Conduct Policy

Governor Expenses Policy

Governor's Attendance 2024-25

Governor List 2024-25

Terms of Reference

Governor's Annual Report for 2022-23

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